Mt. Kilimanjaro Climbing FAQs

When is the best time to climb Kilimanjaro?

It is possible to climb Mount Kilimanjaro all year round; however the months outside of the rainy seasons are more desirable. The best months are from December to March, and July to October. The finest weather is usually at the beginning of the year from January to March, which are typically the warmest and driest months of the year.

Will I need to purchase travel insurance?

It is essential that you are adequately insured for the activities that you wish to do. Your insurance policy should specifically cover cancellations, interruption, delays and unforeseeable expenses as well as any high risk activities that you wish to undertake.

Travel insurance covers expenses such as:

• trip cancellation, interruption or delays

• emergency accident and sickness

• 24-hour emergency medical assistance

• lost, damaged, stolen or delayed baggage

How fit will I need to be?

Anyone of reasonable fitness should be capable of summiting Mount Kilimanjaro. You just need to have well preparation, determination and courage as Mount Kilimanjaro isn’t a technique climbing mountain. The Kilimanjaro National Park authority allows children from 12 years to an old man of 80 years.

Which route should I choose?

There are six routes used to climb Kilimanjaro and one for descent only (Mweka route), each has its own characteristics and offers a different perspective and challenge. The most popular route is the Marangu route; or Coca Cola route as it is also known, which attracts the majority of all visitors to Kilimanjaro. Machame; or Whisky route as it is known is also a very popular route and as a result can also be very busy; these routes are typically completed in minimum of 6 days or more. Umbwe route is the shortest but toughest of all the routes to the top and can be accomplished with minimum of 5 days as Marangu.

The other three routes which are Shira, Lemosho and Rongai are less used routes but having beautiful scenic as you trek. Lemosho and Shira routes approach Kibo from the West while Rongai route approaches from the North. These three routes can be completed in 6-8 days and allows a chance to have acclimatization which increases chance of reaching the Uhuru Peak.

How many people will be in a group?

Depending on your wish you can climb alone or join a bigger group. We normally trek everyday on the mountain and equalize or service to each individual.

What clothing & equipment should I take?

You do not require any technical equipment on Mount Kilimanjaro; however you will experience changing weather conditions and be exposed to temperatures ranging from +30 degrees to -25 degrees, so you should be prepared for this. You should take thin layers that can be added, or taken away depending on the weather conditions.

Normally a maximum of 20 Kg is carried by one porter and a minimum of 2 porters are require for a single client. Basically we will advice you accordingly what to carry and what to leave to minimize luggage on Kilimanjaro. But remember there is a limit to the weight that the porters can carry and your kit bag must be a maximum of 20Kg. You will also have a rucksack that will contain your basic kit for a days walking. See rough idea of Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro gears and equipments list.

How far will I trek each day?

On average you will walk between 3 and 6 miles per day, apart from the summit night when you will walk up to 15 miles. You will usually start your days trekking around 8 a.m and walk for between 4 and 8 hours per day (longer on summit night).

What food will be provided on the mountain?

Please see our meals menu plan which trekking or climbing Mount Kilimanjaro by click here. Normally all the suppliers are carried by your porter and they are kept in a clean place and all the time fresh. Your cook will be cooking for your all the energetic food while on the mount and expect three meals each day. If you need a special diet or you are a vegetarian please inform as in advance please so we can have arrange for you. We really advice you to eat as much as you can while on mountain as altitude tends to make people loose appetite.

What do I need for my preparation travel to Africa - Tanzania?

Please see the important information (including how to get Visa, Vaccination, safety etc) on Tanzania Travel Facts by click here.

Is the water safe to drink?

Apart from the first day when you will bring bottled water from the hotel for your first days walking, the porters will collect your drinking water daily from streams located near the camps. Although the water is generally clean enough to drink, your porters will boil enough water for your next day walking. You may wish to bring additional water treatment tablets, if you have a particularly sensitive stomach.

Do you have a question that you still need answered?

We have tried to include as much frequently asked questions from our past extreme clients. Please feel free to ask any question and we will be happy to answer you. For more information please contact us by click here.