Maasai Village Tour

Of a large number of tribes in East Africa, the Maasai tribe is easily the most popular for tourists. Known as fierce warriors, this nomadic tribe is very friendly and open to visitors. Many of them still live a very traditional lifestyle and are easy to spot by their distinctive clothing. On this tour, you can expect to learn about Maasai religious beliefs, culture, and lifestyle. You will have the opportunity to enter into one of their traditional dwellings and hear them sing and dance (and join in if you wish) and see their famous jumping abilities. This trip also offers the opportunity to buy Maasai crafts direct from the tribe. This trip can be easily added into any safari itinerary or as a day trip before or after a mountain climb.


Hadzabe Tribe Tour

The Hadzabe are one of the few true hunter-gatherer tribes left in the world. They live in simple temporary shelters and live by hunting by bow and arrow, using poisoned arrow-tips for large game. They hunt for anything from mice to giraffe, with baboon being their preferred game. If they are successful in killing large game such as giraffe, often the tribe will simply relocate to the kill site rather than transport the game. They also forage for roots and berries and are experts at herbal medicine. They create fire by rubbing sticks together in an amazingly short time. Their clothing is also based on availability, wearing animal skins, nothing or donated clothing. Attempts to bring the Hadzabe into a more modern existence and give education to the children by the government has failed. They truly love their way of life but their hunting grounds are diminishing making their existence tougher. They reside near the shores of Lake Eyasi as do the Nilotic-speaking Datoga tribe. A tour will include the opportunity to go along on a hunt, experience their singing and dancing. This is an amazing tour of a vanishing lifestyle. This tour can be added to any safari that is near Ngorongoro Conservation Area.

